Friday, February 17, 2012

PCSing…does not always come with a positive response.

Unless you’re moving closer to family or moving away from a place you didn’t enjoy, you usually don’t do a happy dance when you have to PCS. This is my pre-PCSing story….

My husband had been deployed for about 8 or 9 months. We had been discussing whether or not he should reenlist or get out. If he was to reenlist he was going to stay in and make a career out of it. We’ve enjoyed our time in the Army and we’re at a base where we are close (4 hours) away from family and are comfortable with our surroundings. I have a few friends with whom I’m comfortable with and we’ve found a church that we love. That being said we decided that we would go ahead and make the decision to stay in. Well about a week later I got the dreaded call from my husband in Afghanistan. “Honey, I have bad news”

This is when ever military wife’s butt puckers. “Crap. What is it?”

Fort Hood.

I have no problem with Fort Hood..let me be very upfront. Before my husband told me that we would be traveling there I had never really heard much of Fort Hood. But that being said….Fort Hood is in TEXAS.
 Pinned Image

Texas is roughly 16 hours away from our hometown.

Texas is HOT…and when I sweat I magically turn green and become the Hulk. Not pretty.

Texas was our LAST pick for where we wanted to go.

Hoorah..right? Home is where the Army sends us? BOO. Hate that saying. But its true. We will survive..we will break out the boxes and move. We will make a home in blazing hot Texas. The other AWE-SOME part of this whole PCS. We move in the middle of summer. I can hear my sweat glands preparing.

We will leave pretty Fort Campbell…with its mild summers, pretty leaves in the fall, and its 45 min drives to Nashville. I will miss you all. I will keep you all posted of our steps in making this big moves. 16 hours in a car with a 15 month year old will probably be one post in itself .
 Im already making mental lists of what all I need to do. Have you ever PCSed? Do you have any tips? Any activities a 15 month old can do for  16 hours in a Uhaul? Any advice would be GREAT! Hope to see you back here soon!


  1. Fort Hood isn't so bad so far. My husband didn't even list Fort Hood in his duty station wish list and the Army send us here. I heard that summer last year in Texas was record breaking HOT like in the 100s for almost the entire summer and I'm hoping that it wouldn't be a bad as last year.
    Some good things about Fort Hood is there are 3 Walmart in a 20 mile radius, Target, a decent mall, a variety of restaurants, Austin is only an hour away, San Antonio is less than 3 hours away and you can live either a city or country life yet still be near Fort Hood.
    Let me know if you have any questions about Hood. =)

  2. Ft Hood! Oh no! That is one of the scary, please-God-don't-send-us-there places on our list too. We're at Campbell now as well and I have a 16mo boy. Are y'all currently on-post? We drove 16 hours with a 5mo when we PCSed here, so I will try to think of some good car activities for ya ;) Good luck!!!!

  3. yes..i was NOT happy about getting Ft Hood. We're not on post at Campbell..but we're super close!
