My baby boy, Tatum, has been feeling under the weather. We went from this precious thing on Tuesday evening..... a vomiting, screaming, pathetic little man the next day.
We headed to the doctor and apparently this has been going around Fort Campbell for a few weeks. We got our probiotics to help his tummy and went back to laying on the couch. I was puked on a total of 4 times...and took me an hour in the shower to get the smell outta my hair. He was also cutting two we're still not outta the clear.
We did get to enjoy the amazingly sunny day yesterday (taking it slow of course for Tatum). It was in the mid 70s here. We broke out the grill and invited a couple over to enjoy burgers and play some Monopoly. Somehow my husband (who cheated I'm 95% sure) won the game..and I lost all my properties first. I blame lack of sleep and puke fumes for my complete lack of motivation to win.
Did you get to enjoy some gorgeous weather...or better yet...did you get to get puked on 4 times. you know you're jealous! Hope to see you back here soon!
Aw, I hope he is feeling better soon!